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Magical kernel fibre sends everyone Lupin-loopy
Scientists have known for some time that Legume seeds in general are an important source of plant dietary fibre. But there’s also emerging evidence that eating the legume kernel fibre found in specific plants like soya and the not-so-humble Lupin might actually help prevent colorectal cancer.
Humans and Lupins’ long, happy relationship
Humans have been growing Lupins since ancient times, using the seed as food as well as the gorgeous flowers for decoration. Take the remarkable Australian Sweet Lupin, which replaces the fat in meat, lowers people’s cholesterol, decreases levels of blood glucose and improves the health of your bowel.
More amazing still, breads enriched with Lupin seeds have a special property which makes you feel fuller after eating, which means you eat less. Is there a magical new Lupin kernel diet on the cards? We wouldn’t be at all surprised!
Keeping your tubes in good nick
Now new research from the highly respected Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, in Germany, has shown that Blue Lupin Kernel Fibres might improve colon function and may even reduce the risk of colon cancer.
High levels of dietary fibre have long been associated with a lower colorectal cancer risk, but this study took things a step further, comparing the physiological effects of three legume kernel fibres and citrus fibre on LDL cholesterol and general colon health. The results indicated that Blue Lupin Kernel Fibre in particular has a dramatic positive effect on colon function.
Lupin-led research reveals even more exciting properties
At the same time there’s a growing new trend for Lupin ‘super’ cereals. Researchers have also carried out a hamster study revealing the plant’s cholesterol lowering potential, the way Lupin flour improves the nutritional value of muffins and Lupin fibre’s role in reducing the risk of heart disease.